Is there a fire hydrant buried under snow and ice near your house?
By Pearl River Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1
February 5, 2021

Is there a fire hydrant buried under snow and ice near your house?

If so dig it out for your safety and your neighbors’.

When firefighters are battling to save your house, the last thing you want is a delay while they chip away snow and ice so they can get their hoses hooked up.

A dense crust makes it that much harder for firefighters to dig out a hydrant in an emergency.

But that’s hardly the only issue.

Sometimes, the snow hides hydrants so completely that firefighters can’t even find them in the first place, especially at night.

Also, a hydrant enveloped in snow stays colder than one exposed to the sun, heightening the chance that the line supplying it will freeze.

If firefighters can’t find a usable hydrant, they have to rely on pumper trucks. However, pumper trucks have only 500 gallons to 1,000 gallons of water, enough for just two to three minutes.

Firefighters shouldn’t have to go around cleaning off hydrants themselves.

So, to help them out, if there’s a snow-covered hydrant near you, take the time to clean it.

How to properly clear snow from a fire hydrant

Clear a path from the hydrant into the street. Also, clear a margin of about three feet all around the hydrant, so firefighters have enough room to work.

“We strongly support residents being asked to clear snow from around hydrants”.